The "new normal"

Hours for the semester: 18 hrs.

March 2020 is the beginning of a time that will be recorded for our future children to read about in their history books. A time of uncharted waters and unparalleled challenges.

It has definitely been a crazy month! It honestly feels like we have been stuck in March for so long. March was supposed to be a huge and stressful month, and it still was just in ways that I never would have imagined a few weeks ago. Due to the pandemic, our shelf exam was cancelled and shortly after it all of the MCAT exams for the next two months were also put on hold. Schools across the country switched to online learning methods, and it just seems appropriate to call everything that happened after that, chaos. It’s been a few weeks in quarantine now, and I am still trying to adjust to the “new normal.”

All of our classes are now taking place through Zoom, and all of our exams are now to be taken at home. EVERYONE in the program has been super helpful during this crazy time and has banded together. The professors, staff, and peers alike have all checked in to make sure everyone is doing well, physically and mentally. All have tried to make things a little brighter and normal during this time of so many unknowns. Honestly, I miss getting up and going to class every day. I miss the academic aspect being challenged and surrounded by so many like-minded people, the support I felt every time I spoke to a professor about something I was freaking out about, and the people who impacted my life in such a big way even though I only knew them for a short amount of time. It’s crazy how much self-reflection one can accomplish when they live alone during a national time of social distancing. I think it’s safe to say that I am not the complete introvert that I believed I was. Hopefully, things will return to normal soon.

Until then, I hope you are out there finding ways to enjoy your new normal.

Last adventure before quarantine :)


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